Commision of Chile to the Pan-American Exposition

Brief notes on Chile and general catalogue of Chile Exhibits
NY: 1901. Medio cuero, 252 páginas, 26 x 19 cm.
Profusamente ilustrado con fotografías de Chile.

Precio: $125.000

Commision of Chile to the Pan-American Exposition
Commision of Chile to the Pan-American Exposition
Commision of Chile to the Pan-American Exposition
Commision of Chile to the Pan-American Exposition
Commision of Chile to the Pan-American Exposition
Commision of Chile to the Pan-American Exposition
Commision of Chile to the Pan-American Exposition
Commision of Chile to the Pan-American Exposition
Commision of Chile to the Pan-American Exposition
Commision of Chile to the Pan-American Exposition
Commision of Chile to the Pan-American Exposition